Jego Świątobliwość Dalajlama:.."Edukacja jest czymś więcej niż
kwestią przekazywania wiedzy i umiejętności, kiedy wąskie cele zostały
osiągnięte. To także otwarcie dziecku oczu na potrzeby i prawa innych.
Musimy pokazać dzieciom, że ich działania mają wymiar uniwersalny.
Musimy jakoś znaleźć drogę do budowania w nich naturalnego uczucia
empatii, tak że pojawi się w nich poczucie odpowiedzialności wobec
His Holiness The Dalai Lama:
"Education is much more than a matter of imparting the knowledge and skills by which narrow goals are achieved. It is also about opening the child's eyes to the needs and rights of others. We must show children that their actions have a universal dimension. And we must somehow find a way to build on their natural feelings of empathy so that they come to have a sense of responsibility toward others."
His Holiness The Dalai Lama:
"Education is much more than a matter of imparting the knowledge and skills by which narrow goals are achieved. It is also about opening the child's eyes to the needs and rights of others. We must show children that their actions have a universal dimension. And we must somehow find a way to build on their natural feelings of empathy so that they come to have a sense of responsibility toward others."
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